General Update (and some insights)

Hello everyone! Hope you’re healthy, happy and hell bent on living life to the fullest. I’ve done the general update of correcting spelling errors, tweaking dialogue and (SPOLIER FOR A SCENE) I finally changed that SUPER cringy image I made for Amaris’s death. It’s still cringy but hopefully not as cringy as the last one (can you tell I’m not an artist?)

I also wrote this post to tell everyone that the game is officially finished. I understand that a while back I said that I was going to continue with the game’s development by adding new scenes and all that jazz. But while I was going over the game again, I realized that I’m actually sort of happy with how the game currently is. It’s far from perfect, but if you’re anything like me you’re a perfectionist. You want everything in your game to be perfect and well-made so you spend literal weeks on fixing a problem that really wasn’t much of a problem in the first place. And frankly I’m sick and tired of feeling like that which has caused me to have a little more of a minimalist approach to my projects

I’ve made peace with the fact that I’ll never have starlight indie game development perfection to my projects. At the end of the day, it’s all about the passion and becoming proud of how far you’ve come no matter how bad your project may feel like (I would like to apologize to everyone who has played this game because OH MY GOSH going over my dialogue again has made me die of embarrassment. Like I want to be six feet underground. I don’t think I’ll ever get the hand over this whole fancy Jane Austen talking stuff)

Another thing I would like to address is that I decided to not add a pronoun system as that was one of the things I wanted to update after submitting to the game jam. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with games that lets you choose your pronouns and I do want to include the feature for future projects. But I personally felt that it didn’t work in the context of Roses and Thorns. The MC is meant to remind Viktor of his wife and there are implications that he wants to have biological children with you. I hope that’s okay

And updating this game took me WAY longer than it should have. Because the universe loves me, I ended up accidentally deleting a couple of scenes which I had to retype again. So that was fun! And also can someone please tell me why I’m illiterate? There were SO MANY spelling mistakes and some sentences that just made zero sense. I graduated from preschool, I swear! So if you see any errors, don’t tell me. Your girl is tired

Anyway…yeah. Stay tuned for some future projects I plan on making. Or don’t. I won’t notice. Um, I don’t really have anything else to say and I’m not very good at leaving conversations both on the internet and in real life so….

Ciao bella ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Get Roses and Thorns

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